In the fall of 2004, 22 Deerfield Valley residents, under the sponsorship of the Brattleboro "Sunrise" Rotary Club, began the journey of starting a club in the Deerfield Valley. Upon completing the requirements of Rotary International, the Rotary Club of Deerfield Valley was chartered on Jan 13, 2005.
• Debi Bradshaw
• John Conlon
• Tom Durkin
• Bob Edwards
• Robert Fagge
• Tina Harris
• Cindy Hayford
• Ken Lady
• Arlene Palmiter
• Phil Parker
• Frank Squindo
• Jeannette Underwood
• Dianna Wilson
• Peter Wright
• Barb Yanke
• Don Yanke
Over time, Rotary’s reach and vision gradually extended to humanitarian service. Members have a long track record of addressing challenges in their communities and around the world. Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves.
Paul Harris, Rotary founder
Our ongoing commitment
That commitment endures today through an organization that remains truly international. Only 16 years after being founded, Rotary had clubs on six continents. Our members now span the globe, working to solve some of our world’s most challenging problems.
We’re not afraid to dream big and set bold goals. We began our fight against polio in 1979 with a project to immunize 6 million children in the Philippines. Today, polio remains endemic in only two countries — down from 125 in 1988.
Still making history
With every project, we’re changing the world for the better. The following stories trace our evolution as an organization through historical documents, artifacts, and images that show the people and events that shaped Rotary.